Wednesday, January 12, 2005

This blog will chronicle the adventures into the wonderful world of the culinary arts. For those of you who don't know me, I'm not all that swift around a kitchen. Just too many things that aren't discretely laid out for someone cooking. "Add salt until it tastes just right."...pfft....

Well first downfall was the fondu attempted in Jan. 2005. What we've learned? A standard fondu pot is not a substitute for a dessert fondu pot. i.e. your chocolate will start a fire.

Recipe: Failed



christine said...

can i have your stove?

Christian Muise said...

Why the hell would you want our stove? It bakes at like 50-100 (it varies) degrees above what you set it too. And one of the elements is busted :p.

christine said...

because it looks like it's a gas stove??