Wednesday, January 30, 2008

I know its been a while, but I found a new passion in the kitchen - coffee. Reasons to roast your own coffee beans include the fact that its supposed to taste way better (yet to be confirmed), an old popcorn popper suffices (3 cheers for no extra gear), and the cost of it is way lower than buying pre-roasted beans / already ground.

So I found this outlet green bean coffee place really close to campus and spent 20 bucks or so on coffee:

Roasting method? Toastmaster Popcorn Popper.

The thing shoots off a load of chaff (the shell casings of the beans) - something I didn't know.

Unfortunately, the first batch I simply timed and didn't watch/smell/listen to what was going on. Bad move - I ended up burning the beans and filling the apartment with smoke.

The second batch was much more successful and they came out at a nice Medium / City roast:

Like I said, still don't know how it will taste in the morning (you need to let the CO2 vent for at least 6 hours, but fingers crossed it will at least be on par with the other stuff we buy/grind/drip/drink. Oh and the bean chosen for this first attempt was the Tanzanian Peaberry. Cheers...

1 comment:

Tara Muise said...

ah christian, you kill me...this is absolutely fantastic. i know i planned on doing something similar to this since i'm getting into a bit more cooking, but it just never seemed to come to fruition. perhaps i'll get going on that now. :P